Become a VolunteerInterested in volunteering? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you. Name * First Name Last Name Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Birthdate * How did you hear about us? Online Through church Referred by someone Special Event Other PREVIOUS VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Organization Name * How long did you serve there? * Position/ Duties * Supervisor's Name and Phone Number * EMPLOYMENT Current Employer * Phone * Positions or Duties * Please list your reasons for wanting to volunteer at Care Net. * Care Net is a Faith Based Ministry. It is important that if you're looking to VOLUNTEER WITH CLIENTS you're able to complete a Statement of Faith. Do you consider yourself a Christian? If yes, how long have you been a Christian? * As a Christian, what is the basis of your salvation? * Name, Address and Phone of the Church you currently attend. * Pastor's name * List any positions in which you've served in your church. * What special skills, talents, gifts or personality traits would you bring to this ministry? * How would you rate your knowledge in the following areas? Abortion Methods * Excellent Good Fair Poor Current Laws concerning abortion * Excellent Good Fair Poor What the Bible teaches about abortion * Excellent Good Fair Poor Name an area of weakness for you. * Do you have difficulties working with any particular personality types? * Please list 3 personal references along with their phone numbers. 1st Reference * 2nd Reference * 3rd Reference * Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Once your application has been reviewed, someone will reach out to schedule an interview.